Our sweet download station has been in place for a couple of weeks now but hasn't seen much action. It will, though, it will. Thanks to Mike H. in IT for creating a new profile so this baby shuts down and fires up automatically. Just one less thing to worry about.
We had one very excited phone customer who asked for downloading help. She said "I'm just across the street - I'll be there in a jiffy!" and hung up before we could ask about her device. When she arrived she proudly pulled out (drum roll please): her iPhone. Nuts! OverDrive doesn't support the iPhone yet and we don't own MP3 files that would play on it. We will, though, we will. The customer was pleased we offered the service, even if we couldn't serve HER at the moment.
Wait - I think I hear another customer pouring in now...
(Learn & Play @ CML!)
I'm gonna go check it out...but...wait...I have an ipod
Proprietary vs. DRM? Who will win? Not users, that's for sure.
If I could travel to the future and determine the winner of the proprietary vs. DRM death match, I'd be a bajillionaire.
I dream of a DRM-free world. Keep hope alive! Keep hope alive!
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