Wednesday, October 22

Thing #21: Podcasts

I've been a subscriber to podcasts for years. Using the indespensible iTunes (a free download here for Mac and PC) at home, podcasts are downloaded and waiting for me to listen to. When I take my morning constitutional (that's a walk for you whippersnappers) I plug into my iPod and catch up with news from NPR and my favorite organizations - almost every large group has a podcast, it seems.

I used Podcast Alley to find a couple of podcasts to add to my Bloglines account. It's a fine service but it makes you work way harder than iTunes does; the Apple product doesn't require navigation through a Web site with glitzy graphics and eye candy, just a directory.

I noticed many of the 5 Featured and 5 Newest podcasts from Podcast Alley are naughty by nature. I guess some podcasters will do anything to build an audience.

1 comment:

**5p34k1nt0ngu3z** said...

Have you gotten heavily into vodcasts yet? I just started and now I'm addicted to stuff like TechZilla and Food Science.